Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Anniversary: Part I

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Kaka Slank, after flown by sling cable... (photo by suari//widi)

15/12/2004, that was the anniversary day of this tv station where I am working. It was the second time I involved in this kind of ceremony. The mission is simple: To celebrate with massive BANG! This year, we didn't use the indoor-outdoor thingy and stick to the old way: The great indoors. (Yeah, it's musim hujan gitu lhoo!) Just a venue, with an uprised stage, and a huge, concert-like -kinda-snakepity-main set. Its big alright. This time the props team didn't have to prepare tons of props for the event(Last year we have to prepare, say... a houseful of it?). Keep it simple, with good contents, that's the way we (should) do it. Nevertheless, this job was kinda full of functions to execute. Let's see...

The gardener+decorator
Mission: to set up a "pos ronda", complete with the things in and out: kentongan, lots of plants, a phone booth, a motorbike(from the sponsor), etc.
Time of execution: a night before D-Day.
Personnels: 3 men (me+2 other guys)

The prop master
Mission: to handle & drop properties needed to point of objective, also prepare them for the execution.
Time of execution: D-Day, -12 of H-Hour.
Personnels: 3 men + 1 woman, 1 man + 1 woman as logistics support.

The procurement officer
Mission: to purchase anything which was not supplied by the warehouse.Time of execution: -4 of H-Hour.
Personnels: 3 men (What?!) -actualy just one, the other 2 just tagging along :P-

The props person
Mission: to deploy any props according the rundown script (It's time 2 rock 'n roll!)
Time of execution: H-hour, during all of the operation.
Personnel: 5 men+women

The artillery detachment
Mission: To deploy ceiling convetty, shoot the stage with convetty guns, and bombard the audience with ballons.
Time of execution: H-hour +4, closing time.
Personnel: 1 ceiling convetty commander, 3 convetty gunmen, 1 ballon bomber-commander
Motto of the detachment: We proud of what we shot!

Status: mission accomplished.

Well, at least everything went fine until we realised that we have to brought a truckfull of props back to the office...

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