Thursday, November 25, 2004

Retry: Kesebalan tingkat tinggi

Hmmmppphhh.... Kemaren gw nulis artikel buat blog ini, udh lumayan panjang & serius nulisnya. Akhirnya gw publish, dan ternyata.... connection time out & tulisan gw ilang di jagat maya... Aaarrrrghhh!!! Lain kali mendingan gw tulis pake notepad dulu kalo memang serius ah! Mo nulis lagi, jd ilfil... Anyway, it's about the movie "VIRGIN'. Segitu dulu deh. Kalo udh mood lagi baru gw tulis lagi...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Conversation with myself...

It's been a year since I sign in to the, but as you can see, only once I wrote in it. "Hell, Man, where have u been?" Nowhere. Just here, and a couple there and there. Usually I put my ideas into writings, no matter where it was. As long as I feel, I wrote something here and there. But it's just occured to me that, I actually have nothing written since last year!

Well, that leaves a question, where had all the thoughts that I have gone to? To be more frankly, where had the history of my life gone? What a mess...

Can't do anything straight now, not until I put everything together again.
Things have gone lighter for now, so I could use some time to have a conversation with myself.

(Conversation with yourself?) --believe me, sometimes, sometimes you'll need it :j--
Hell, it sounds like a song title... wait a minute... yes it is. It's Monday Michiru's...
S***t, I lost that cassete a year ago... (sigh)..

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The 13th...

Thirteen episodes of joy,
Thirteen episodes of pain,
Thirteen episodes of fun,
Thirteen episodes of agony,
Thirteen episodes of hard work, yet
Thirteen episodes of lame work...


Breathe it.
Living it.
Sleep on it.
Get over it.
Loving it.
(Hell, it's great to be)

Thirteen episodes of my life, in pieces.
Yet thirteen episodes of another life.
(What life anyway?)

And all I wanted is hundreds of good episodes...


(long live the krikills)

Thank you for all crew of "sinetron" (tv series) DEWA,
may the force be with you...