Saturday, May 02, 2009

Balada Sentimentalasshole & Sepeda Motornya..

Halo, lama tak jumpa :)

Kefakiran benwit & "lemah iman" membuat blogging sesuatu yg langka buat saya. Sebenernya banyak yang ingin ditulis, tapi kebentur benwit, logging ke blogger menjadi sesuatu yg sulit. Mood terlanjur hilang, menulis offline pun menjadi "kemalasan tingkat tinggi". Alasan sih, tapi ya begitulah saya, ada hasrat & peluang, bisa 'orgasme'; ada hasrat tapi tak ada peluang (atau ada peluang tapi tak ada hasrat), ya jadi 'frigid'. Hehehe nglantur kok nyerempet-nyerempet sih... :D

Baru-baru ini saya mendapat 'hidayah' untuk mengganti tunggangan harian keluarga kami, sebuah motor bebek bertajuk "Legenda" (nama yang benar-benar dahsyat...ckckck..)

Sebenarnya sudah lama kami (saya & istri) ingin mengganti motor ini, karena di samping usia (keluaran 2001), juga karena dari segi kenyamanan sudah jauh ketinggalan dengan motor-motor yang ada di pasaran sekarang. Berhubung keuangan belum memadai, dan masih ada prioritas lain, lama juga kami menunda hal ini. Dari sisi lain, motor ini, jelek-jelek begitu punya banyak memori, manis & pahit kami berkeluarga dari awal hingga sekarang menginjak hampir empat tahun. Dari masih berdua sampai bertiga sekarang (sama anak, bukan yang lain... :D)....

Berawal saat nge-drop motor ini untuk servis rutin di sebuah dealer, istri kebetulan ikut karena ada keperluan dan sewaktu menunggu sempat iseng melihat-lihat brosur tabel kredit motor, jadi berlanjut dan akhirnya diputuskan untuk meminang sebuah sepeda motor untuk mengganti Si Legenda... (tadaa..) Sebuah Absolute Revo.

Sebenarnya bukan warna silver yang pertama kami pilih. Kebetulan stok sedang kosong, jadi kami pilih warna apa saja yang stoknya ada. Apalah artinya warna (selama bukan orange aja, ntar disangka motor operasional Pos :P)...

Kesan setelah menggunakan motor ini beberapa lama: lumayan surprise.
Berhubung waktu itu motor ga' bisa di tes jalan, jadi ya baru bisa berasa setelah benar-benar di tangan. Jadi ya.. pastinya ada beberapa hal yang tidak sesuai ekspektasi;

- Surprise 1: Jok berasa keras. Istri pernah nebeng Revo keluaran sebelumnya, dia bilang lebih empuk dari yang baru ini. Saya sempat 'mencicipi' SupraX 125R baru (yang setali tiga uang dgn Revo lama dlm hal rangka, jok & suspensinya), sepakat dengan hal ini. Entah kalau sudah beberapa lama, akan mengempukkah joknya? Time will tell.
- Surprise 2: Suspensi belakang lebih keras. Surprise lagi, karena SupraX 125 & Revo lama lebih empuk. Saya kurang perhatian, ternyata dari fisiknya shock breaker belakang Absolute Revo lebih besar dari punyanya SupraX125 & Revo lama... sejauh ini tidak terlalu masalah, yang penting motor cukup stabil di berbagai medan.. walaupun pantulannya berasa banget.
- Surprise 3: Bagasi jauh lebih kecil dari SupraX125 maupun Revo lama.. lagi-lagi kurang teliti saat membeli.. ya sudah, lagian ga mungkin juga masukin helm halface ke bagasi motor, bebek maupun skutik sekalipun, kecuali skuter besar seperti Yamaha Majesty/Suzuki Brugman.
- Surprise 4: Ternyata aksesoris aftermarket untuk motor ini masih sulit didapat di pasaran.
Kami butuh bagasi jepit & 'cantelan' barang, untuk keperluan bila sewaktu-waktu harus bawa belanjaan/barang lainnya, ternyata sampai sekarang belum ada... hiks.
Sempat juga berniat pasang box belakang untuk keperluan ini, ternyata braket untuk dudukan box-nya juga belum ada yang buat. Nasipppp.....

Masih ada sih kesan-kesan lain soal motor baru ini, terutama dibandingkan dengan motor-motor lain yang pernah saya pakai/coba. Nantilah, di lain posting saja :).

Ja Ne.. let the good times roll!!

Friday, August 08, 2008


Langkah sang musafir lusuh
menapaki jalanan berdebu
tertatih menanggung lesu
tinggalkan jejak yang pilu

Dahulu kau penggosok berlian
jimat penghias sang saudagar
alas, hanyalah angan
arang belum layak menjadi berlian

Dan lorong gelap lah sahabatmu
di mana anganmu tersungkur
terduduk, jiwamu terkubur
hingga tertolong masa lalu

Ke mana hendak kau tandu beban itu Bung?
jiwamu meradang menghunus kesumat
Apakah Aku tak ada lagi dalam dirimu?
dan kau biarkan asa itu lumat

Di sana lah sang musafir berjalan
mendekap sebentuk angan
permata hidup yang kau tempa
dari serpihan arang yang tersisa

Menuju ufuk yang tak tentu...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Changing Lanes

It has been a long time since my last post, which was after the birth of my son. I have to admit, things have change since then, a lot. It was a new excitement to have a baby in the house, I dwell myself into it, for a while. Kind of a child's newfound joy of his new toy (well every man has a boy inside, don't they ;) ). I always have this obsession of having those days documented, so I can cherish the early days of his presence in the family --I even took many pictures for every events that I thought would be somewhat peculiar experience--but, it never materialized. All of those moments just passed by without me getting it to be written, shame on me...

Truth is, I can't manage to get them written, part of being very busy between work and excitement when I got home, and part of being lazy. Hell yeah, blame me :P . That's why I posted about the birth of my son at a late moment. The other reason is, I need internet connection to post my blog article, which I didn't have those days, except for the connection at work. Since at work I was very busy, as I get a new job post and had to do a lot of adjustment and re-arranging new work flow, chances were thin that I got my self writing my blog at work.
Actually, I am not exactly an instant writer, who can start to write every time he/she got an idea and wrote it on a piece of paper napkins if they have to. I really need to sit in front of a computer (yes, a computer, papers or traditional notebooks don't work for me), getting my thought to focus, and started to write when the mood is built. So time, place, and mood are important to me, neither one of them is missing, nothing would happen.

Unfortunately, things at work was not getting better. It was getting heavy more, and more, through the year. Not that it would get me down already, I was having the highest motivation on that year, since the baby came and new recruited people had helped me to see some improvements. But the biggest blow was yet to come. The last quarter of the year was just the butcher of every improvements and efforts that we done. I could see my work for the last 8 month since I was on the job, just gone to oblivion. Vanished. Nothing that I can do about that, but to persevere. Nobody wants to be the garbage man, but somebody got to do it, right? There I was, with some help (well, not much, exactly), trying to make out something out of the rumbles of our work. It was the hard time, at the beginning of the fasting month with the highest heat recorded, ever, doing a lot of hands-on labor. We made it, for some points. Some were salvaged, and some were not.

At the end of that year, we can raise our head with some pride, knowing we had made the best out of the worst. Alas, yet the best wasn't good enough...

The aftermath hadn't exactly completely healed yet, other storm coming our way... This time it took more than our work, but our co workers. Those people are more than just workmates, they were my comrades in struggles within this blasted company we worked for. They were, practically, my family before my own. Well, decision were made, actions were taken, we knew that even the company take benefit of them, the would return the favor by backstabbing us....These are office politics, where no such thing as eternal enemies (or even eternal allies), but eternal interests. So much for idealism, vision or mission, that they said. We knew it was all bullshit the first day we walked in on this territory. We just didn't know when it would smack us right in the face...

Enough IS enough. I went on, and I went out. Took the first best offer, I'm hitching another train, hoping for the next best thing. Regretfully, this action could only be done only after almost four years, since my first effort to bailed myself out. Waisted almost five years, I have to admit, I experienced a lot, almost all A to Z in my artistic field. I've done everything, from small Electronic Field Production setups, up to wide screen motion pictures production process. But I also realized that I was not experiencing the best production team, and producing the best end product ever. I specially realized that I learn from mistakes and mischiefs. If you are talking about THE bloopers and oops of this industry, I can say that I experienced ALL of them, hahahaha....

Thus this made me know the evil of this industry. The tricks and gimmicks they pulled, in effort to crank their ratings. Reality show? You should called it un-reality show. That's garbage from the beginning. I always pitied people who get tied to those reality show series. I can tell that most of those show were faked (reconstructed from original stories), or even damn-straight pure lies. Come on people, don't mock your own intelligence! The only near-to honest shows are music shows. At least they give you something to see (or hear) that is real, with not much tricks.

Enough of them, now I'm trying to do something more decent. Decent enough for my family, decent enough for my future. Hoping that this would open many, many doors of opportunity to a good destiny... amen.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Angelic Face

Here he comes...
After all of those waiting times..
After all of those morning sickness..
After all of those worry thoughts..

After all of those sickness on the road..
After all of those ride in the rain..
After all of those restless nights..

After all...

It was all payed for..
when we saw this
angelic face...

Welcome, Fatih..
We've been longing for you.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Silence

There's a sunset in my mind today. Not the sunset stolen by Sukab, and sent in a letter to his beloved Alina*. Not the kind of sunset beautifully portrayed by famous artists on their canvases. No, it just a twilight sunset across the city, when the sun shrouded its light, before slowly, duck itself into the horizon.

A sunset carries thousands of feeling in its presence. It's loaded enough to blast an explosion of emotion, either joy or pain. Some might not like sunset because the gloomy, sad mood, but some might love the romantic-beautiful sunset 'cause they filled with lots of joy. But I love sunset for both reason. Yes, I love spending my sunsets in gloomy mood, enjoying the pain getting to my bones. Yes, I love spending sunsets in its beauty, feeling the romantic atmosphere possessing my soul. And yes, no other thing can match those feelings.

This sunset, I can't really tell, which feeling is in me... There have been so many things happening around here. I've been in another position lately, so my shooting days are over, for now. No more of those rumbling and chaotic days. I kinda miss them, though. It's fun to do some challenging jobs, doing something that can be seen on the screen. But sometimes, things just getting so messed up, and the effort to make it alright was consuming my mind and body, another taste of it could lead me to hospital treatment, mental or medical. So here I am, doing another job, dealing more with non-living things, and paperworks. Kinda boring, but maybe, just maybe, I need the break. Plus, I could use the spare time more (hopefully) productively. So instead of making tv shows, I end up watching them more, because there is a tv in a room where I work. The gossip show, the news, drama, movie, or even the new hip series. I watch those affair gossips, the crime, the crisis, cheezy religious-wannabe drama, violence, even several desperate housewifes. It's too much information, I say. So when I looked outside the window, saw the reddish sky, I didn't know what should I feel: sad, angry, concerned, suffocated, obnoxious, or amused but confused?

I just stood there, with the all of the feelings, and the sun was going down. Slowly, the feelings are fading away, leaving an empty atmosphere in me. Just silence...until the sun went down, leaving the face of darkly night.

Sometimes, I think, we need a moment of silence. Leave out anything, just to enjoy a moment passes by, slap yourself (in a veeeeery soft way) and saying, "Hey, I'm still alive!".

Just another foolosophy though ;)

(*)"Sepotong Senja Untuk Pacarku", Seno Gumira Ajidarma

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Return of sentimentalasshole


Rasanya malu, mengucapkan satu kata itu, karena sudah sebegitu lamanya meninggalkan blog ini, di luar kehendak saya--tentunya. Setelah cukup lama hidup kembali di masa kegelapan-tanpa internet, pdhl pelanggan milis yg super aktif, membuat saya cukup gelagapan ketika berada di depan komputer (yg online, tentunya). Betapa banyak e-mail yg terlewat 3 bulan belakangan, betapa kencang dunia berlalu, sedang saya rasanya nggak kemana-mana... Jadi ingat lagunya Keane:
people are changing
and I don't feel the same...
Menyenangkan, sekaligus menyebalkan :j
Blog yang sederhana ini jadi terombang-ambing dalam ketidak-pastian, seperti nasibnya Dunia Lain: The Movie yg belum tayang2 juga di bioskop :j Tapi akhirnya, saya kembali! (^_^)V

Oya, terima kasih untuk yang sudah mampir selama blog ini hiatus, maaf belum bisa balas mengunjungi, & semoga saya makin rajin update lagi biar nggak pada bosen mampir, hehehe.

Kabar lain lagi, saya sudah 'berhasil' menyarangkan 'gol' :P Bukan, bukan pertandingan liga champions, tp setelah pernikahan bulan mei kemarin, alhamdulilah istri saya sudah mengandung anak kami yg pertama. Mohon doanya ya, supaya anak ini selamat, jadi anak yang kuat & shalih, berguna bagi nusa, bangsa, & dunia, aamiin.

Waktu 3 bulan cukup lama, untuk tetap menuliskan apa saja, tapi sayangnya itu tdk saya lakukan. Saya malah tenggelam dalam kesibukan kerja & rumah tangga, tanpa menuliskan secuil kalimat pun. Sebenarnya ada sih, beberapa kalimat dari cerpen yg ingin saya rombak, tp berhenti sebelum jadi sebuah paragraf :P. Mungkin seseorang harus 'bertapa' dalam kesibukan hidupnya, sebelum akhirnya punya cukup waktu untuk melihat kembali ke belakang dan merenungi semuanya, hingga punya bekal yg cukup untuk memulai sesuatu yang baru...

Ah, pokoknya saya senang bisa kembali! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sentimental-asshole: The Wedding

Hello world.

Long time no see, eh? (or long time no read? dunia maya gitu loooh? :P)
It has been too long since my last update. Setelah proyek Dunia Lain: The Movie selesai, ternyata banyak yang udah nunggu; program2 reguler, pindahan kantor (ruangan sub-dept gue pindah ke lt 7), yg berakibat pada nggak ada koneksi internet whatsoever sampe sekarang (gue sekarang ini ngenet dari ruangan Transinema di lt. 1), dan yang terpenting adalah... nikahan gue.

Yup, sabtu ini gue getting married. Begitu kelar film, gue baru nyadar kalo waktu persiapan tinggal 1 bulan. Walhasil, tunggang langgang dengan sukses. Termasuk keuangannya juga :P. Tapi alhamdulillah, semua bisa cukup teratasi. Tinggal sekarang, menunggu harinya tiba...

Makanya, (lagi-lagi) gue bakalan lama lagi posting nih. Basi ya?
Tapi sekarang mudah-mudahan gak lama deh. Susah juga hidup tanpa internet hari gini.

Jadi... gue dan calon istri, mo minta doa restunya aja. Moga-moga kami berdua bisa menjadi keluarga yg sakinah, mawadah, dan rahmah. Amin.

Buat yg mo (& bisa) datang, hubungi aja japri ya... gak enak kalo dipampangin di sini sih ;)

Until then :)